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Trusted by over 10,000 top brands, local businesses, and agencies

The most comprehensive local rank tracking

Go beyond basic rank reporting. See the complete picture of local rankings and uncover the best opportunities to rank higher and grow search traffic.

Audit every inch of local SEO in minutes

Discover SEO issues that need fixing and the best opportunities to improve results. Sit back and let our automated auditing tools crunch hundreds of data points.

"I could write a book on what I like about BrightLocal. BrightLocal has directly contributed to the success of our agency. That's as good as it gets!"
Gary Downey - Founder/Owner, Restaurant Vantage
Gary Downey
Founder/Owner, Restaurant Vantage

Reporting made easy

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Generate more reviews, monitor and respond to them quicker, and turn positive reviews into powerful social proof.

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Take full control of your business’s visibility across multiple listings platforms.

From building citations to updating and protecting your listings from unwanted edits, our solutions offer unparalleled flexibility, reach, and value.


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"BrightLocal tools provide best-in-class data. Their tools are a must-have for marketers looking to optimize their local search results."
Neilson Hall - iProspect
Neilson Hall
"If you want to save time and money, then BrightLocal must be part of your local SEO toolkit."
Susan Hallam MBE - Hallam Internet
Susan Hallam MBE
Hallam Internet
"BrightLocal is one of the best internet marketing tools out there... It is fast, accurate, and produces excellent reports."
Colan Nielsen - Sterling Sky
Colan Nielsen
Sterling Sky

4.6 stars out of 5


4.8 stars out of 5


4.5 stars out of 5

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